family betrayal

What We Wish Our Parents Understood About Our Sexual Abuse

What We Wish Our Parents Understood About Our Sexual Abuse

One of the deepest sources of pain for sexual abuse survivors is the lack of support from family members, especially from parents. Over and over again, survivors of abuse have expressed the feeling that as destructive as sexual abuse is, it’s the abandonment and betrayal of their parents that hurt the most. Conversely, when a child is believed and supportedRead more

Understanding My Abusive Parents Didn’t Heal Me

by Christina Enevoldsen After I watched the movie, “The Joy Luck Club”, I felt hollow and sad. The feelings haunted me for days. In the story, four daughters struggle against their emotionally abusive mothers until they discover their mothers’ difficult and tragic pasts. Through understanding, the daughters begin to appreciate their mothers’ trials and their relationships are restored. I thoughtRead more