With all the effects of abuse, healing can feel mystifying and elusive. But it doesn’t have to be.
I’ve had the joy of watching frustrated abuse survivors finally experience freedom from abuse and its effects. They’ve taken back their lives through the resources I’ve lovingly created, the ones I wish I had while I was forging my own healing journey.
As a survivor of incest, sex trafficking and a 21-year long abusive marriage (now remarried to an emotionally healthy, loving and supportive man), I bring personal experience, empathy, and insight as well as professional training to help childhood sexual abuse survivors thrive.
I’m a Certified Life Coach and the author of The Rescued Soul.
I started Overcoming Sexual Abuse in 2009 to empower survivors of childhood sexual abuse to move past the pain and fear to live joy-filled, impactful lives.
I love helping survivors find healing and hope after years of chronic abuse and I’m honored to walk alongside courageous people ready to do the work necessary to go from surviving to soaring.
If you’re ready to release the limitations placed on you by abuse and embrace your freedom, power and joy, I’m thrilled to help.
If you’d appreciate one-on-one support from someone who’s been there, email me and we can talk about the possibility of me working as your coach, contact me here. We’ll schedule a complimentary discovery call to explore how we can work together. All it takes is one conversation to get started: Christina@overcomingsexualabuse.com For more information on how coaching could help you, check out my Flourish Coaching Program.
a writing journey for the healing of incest and family betrayal
• Do you feel as though you don’t belong?
• Do you work for validation but feel unworthy of it?
• Are you in an abusive relationships with yourself?
• Do you fear emotional intimacy?
• Do you crave deep connections but always feel alone?
There is no greater isolation a child can suffer than that of incest.
Without healing, that sense of isolation follows the survivor into adulthood. Abuse sabotages the relationship with yourself and every other relationship in your life. But you don’t have to live with the effects of sexual abuse. Through my candid personal stories with action steps to heal, I use the tool of writing to show you how to move through your pain of abandonment and betrayal to heal your life.
•Healing guide
•365 day journal with healing insights for encouragement, inspiration and hope
“Her book explains confusing emotions in a clear and concise way that would normally take years of painful and slow therapeutic work to unravel. Her steps are like a brightly lit path out of darkness untangling confusing emotions while leading you quickly through to self discovery and healing.”
“… savoring every bit of it as it reveals more and more of the feelings I’ve had for a long time…The questions at the end of the chapters help me to put into words the feelings I’ve never been able to share with anyone.”
“This is an excellent book and workbook…Difficult concepts related to healing were clearly explained. The topics and questions are comprehensive and relevant…As someone who now works with others who have been abused I use this book to assist in their healing.”
To never create resources full of fluff and theory.
To always show what to do and how to do it.
To only teach what I’ve done myself — and done well.
To never stop learning and healing and growing right along with you.