If you’ve survived childhood abuse, self care can be especially challenging. But it doesn’t have to be that way.


In my journey of healing childhood sexual abuse, I’ve struggled with:

  • feeling overwhelmed because I felt like I was doing most of the giving and serving in my relationships
  • feeling resentful for spending too much time, energy and money on others while neglecting myself
  • feeling guilty for asking for anything for myself
  • feeling exhausted from working and working and working to cover up my shame
  • feeling bullied from my own inner voice
  • plus the constant disappointment of being the least important person to myself and others

But step by step, I’ve addressed the beliefs and habits that kept me there.

Self care isn’t selfish.

As you learn to consider your needs and meet them, you’ll actually have more energy to do the rest of your life better and with more love, which will give you more peace and more joy.

Does that sound like something you could use?

I can help you in two ways:


This is 9 private Zoom sessions to help you cut through your unique self care struggles. Transform the relationship with yourself and all your other relationships. This is life changing! Email me directly: Christina@overcomingsexualabuse.com or contact me here.  We’ll schedule a complimentary discovery call to explore how we can work together. All it takes is one conversation to get started.

If you’d prefer to work on your own:


Self-paced Course in 10 Lessons

Self care is more than massages and bubble baths. It’s about knowing without question you deserve to be loved. It’s about being empowered to give yourself what you need to thrive.


  • Work through negative beliefs that sabotage you + tell you you’re undeserving
  • Communicate “I love you” to yourself so you hear + believe it
  • Establish new, nurturing daily habits


What others have experienced in this course:

“I am thrilled that through the lessons I can actually (hesitantly) say that I want to figure out what ways of self-care feel good to me, what my self-care should be about. And I feel like this is what I was looking for; feeling the desire to explore this part of myself instead of just going through motions, crossing things off my to do list.”

“Doing the lessons I learned things about myself that actually made me feel good about myself more. It helped me be more appreciative of the person that I am. I loved exploring/discovering things about myself.”

“I felt encouraged and got specific tips on handling myself, especially in the aftermath of devastating responses to my abuse by my cousins. Christina is a wonderful wealth of experience–a good listener and gives great advice. Go ahead and do it–one hour of your life for many hours of benefits!”

More than just a list of self-care “shoulds”, you’ll get to the root of your self-neglecting and self-abusing thoughts, feelings and behaviors so you can finally show yourself the love, nurture and care you’ve craved.
