Holiday Self Care


Good boundaries are necessary for a healthy and happy life all year but never are they more vital than the holidays. I share the steps to move from a reactor to an empowered creator of your days and life. You’ll get the framework to decide your boundaries and a simple formula for communicating your boundaries so you can thrive through this season. This lesson asks: What action would someone take who had permission and power to change things? (because that’s you!)


If you’re interested in mastering boundaries, I have an entire course: Boundaries for an Empowered Life.

This week, I’ve just reduced the price of the course because I really want to empower you to start the new year from a place of strength and confidence. Here’s what a few course members said about it:

“I can’t save everyone, but I can save myself. And the most powerful thing I’ve been taught here- is that you can be your own hero. Even if your legs are shaking and your voice is trembling, you can be your own hero.”

“The boundaries course has been really important to me. One of the lessons showed me where the major part of my suicidality came from. I broke down in a way that is powerful and rare… to go that deep. I am lately feeling how much all this has shifted me. I don’t feel like the same person, especially for how depressed I was this time last year. My deep gratitude for what you do and what it took to get there too.”

“Christina and her boundaries course helped me make firm boundaries and act on the boundaries I already had placed in my heart. Life events happened during this course and it definitely gave me courage and confidence in them. I feel stronger and more grounded in myself now.”