Success in Healing

FREE 7 Day Group Program

Video Course + Private Facebook Support Group

Can you imagine feeling prepared to face whatever challenges the healing journey brings?

How you would feel to be 100% committed because you were equipped with the right tools and mindset to really succeed at healing?

And finally have the life you want?

There’s a mindset we developed to survive the abuse:

  • "I'm not good enough."
  • “I’m not strong enough.”
  • “The pain is too much for me.”

We hold ourselves back because of the stories we tell ourselves.

I’m excited to share with you what helped me overcome the challenges of the healing journey to finally have a fulfilling, empowered life despite starting out with those false beliefs.

What others are saying:

"I wish I could explain how valuable these lessons have been to me as I work to heal from childhood sexual abuse...I realized my body had a lot to say after years of repressed trauma abuse and pain...and that's ok! I feel like I'm purging all of that junk that's been oppressing me and taking over my life."

"The lessons have been helpful and I really do know now that in order to heal kindness to myself is the only way, .... I'm glad I pushed myself through all the fear. I feel proud of myself and that's a new feeling these days. Thank you so much, Christina."

"l learned so much. Last night, it proved it's worth. I had what was not really a nightmare, but my mind was racing with all sorts of anxious thoughts and doomsday scenarios of what would happen if my past abuse was known...This time I had a real tool to use. A real way of dealing with the moment and not running from it. I actually welcomed it. 'Come on in. I can handle you now.' Amazing. Looking forward to moving on, learning more, and healing...really healing. Thank you!"

"Thanks for explaining so much to me...I never thought I would be in a place where I could face the past and it would honestly not be a devastating experience for me."

"The exercises have been a miracle. I have never worked on my trauma and abuse like this. Therapy never seemed to work. Thank you. I am very grateful."


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I'd love for you to let me show you how you can build a solid healing foundation. We'll walk through the steps together so you'll gain your confidence and prove to yourself that you can do this!